Daily Democrat – DA’s death penalty views out of touch

Created:   08/03/2012 12:31:17 AM PDT

When Yolo County District Attorney Jeff Reisig’s hand-picked judicial candidate, Clinton aka ‘Clint’ Parish, sent out a toxic mailer to Yolo County residents a few weeks before the June primary, it took less than a day for Yolo County Sheriff Ed Prieto to withdraw his endorsement of Parish. The mailer was a blatantly dishonest series of charges against Judge Dan Maguire, whom Parish was challenging.

In contrast to Sheriff Prieto, Reisig waited until the Sacramento Bee withdrew its Parish endorsement before withdrawing his own. Reisig was at the top of Parish’s endorsement list, and was one of Parish’s first and biggest financial supporters.

In the end, Parish’s dishonest campaign brought embarrassment to the Yolo County legal community. He still works for Reisig’s office.

Until recently, I was willing to consider the Parish campaign an aberration, not representative of Reisig’s leadership. But with Reisig’s recent opinion against Proposition 34, which would abolish the death penalty in California, I’ve had a change of heart.

Reisig’s opinion piece shows that like the Parish campaign, he is willing to use dishonesty to demonize his opponents. But Reisig goes one step further by extensively plagiarizing Sacramento District Attorney Jan Scully of April 26, 2012.

In just one example, Scully writes, “They (the ACLU) are responsible for endless delays, frivolous appeals and a mountain of misinformation. Now, they claim capital punishment is broken and should be repealed.”

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